撰寫歷史並不容易,撰寫通史更加困難,而以一人之力完成這麼一部巨作,更是讓人難以想像的事。因為「接受編寫一部完整的世界史綱的這項任務,對任何已經成名的歷史學權威來 ...英國科幻小說之父。生於英國肯特郡布倫萊一個下層中產階級家庭。1890年取得倫敦大學理學學士學位。1891年開始在倫敦發展,在一所函授學院教書。他是著名生物學家赫胥黎的 ...... The Outline of History Hardcover – January 1, 1930 by H.G. Wells (Author)商品資料 · ISBN13:9781575910574 · 出版社:Susquehanna Univ Pr · 作者:William T. Ross · 出版日:2002/06/01 · 裝訂/頁數:精裝/135頁 · 規格:24.1cm*16.5cm*2.5cm (高/寬/厚).書名:Outline of History: Library Edition,語言:英文,ISBN:0786187077,作者:Wells, H. G./ Mayes, Bernard (NRT),出版日期:2004/01/01,類別:人文社科.本日新收藏The Outline of History by H. G. Wells 1920 紐約McMilllan 印刷出版想想 這樣是超過一百年的老書了、第二本也出現了intonso 的未開頁。Mr. Belloc objects to "The outline of history", by H. G. Wells. 可在總圖書館 總圖5F線裝書庫(點選下方「閉架書庫調閱服務」連結) (渡瀨D21.W43 A3 1926)獲得 ...H.G.Wells在The Outline of History裡說道: 「人類的歷史愈來愈是一種災難和教育之間的拔河競走」 我相信教育是人類文明的希望雖然我個人乃至整個臺灣 ...在Kobo 閱讀H. G. Wells 的《The Outline of History: Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind》。Having coined the phrase “the war that will ...Copyright © since 1995 books.com.tw All Rights Reserved.
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Having coined the phrase "the war that will end war," H. G. Wells was disillusioned by the World War I peace settlement. Convinced that humanity needed to awaken to the instability of the world order and remember lessons from the past, the author of numerous science fiction classics set out to write about history. Wells hoped to remind mankind of its common past, provide it with a basis for international patriotism, and guide it to renounce war. The work became immensely popular, earning him world renown and solidifying his reputation as one of the most influential voices of his time. Topics range from the world before man and the first living things to civilizations, religions, wars, and everything in between. Wells truly covers the whole of human history.
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The Outline of History Hardcover – January 1, 1930 by H.G. Wells (Author)
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